Sunday, November 29, 2009

Belated Holidays, Birthdays, and Updates

Edit: This was supposed to have been sent last night but two little girls wanted to snuggle and I fell asleep. Oops!

I have this terrible annoying habit when it comes to estimating time and following through with announced updates, which, believe me, annoys myself as much as I'm 99% sure it annoys all of you. Camera issues were one thing, but along with that came mental shut-down days where all I wanted to do was be with my kids....when I should have been searching for my battery charger. I know...totally unprofessional. Please forgive my lack of business savviness and I'm so hoping no one waited around on me to start the listings and if any of those aforementioned people are reading this right now, I'm so, so very sorry :( I feel awful. Tomorrow, no excuses, no mental shut-downs, there will be listings, I promise! Really, I swear!

Another bad habit of mine...updating my blog. Allow me to reminisce...My big-little sister (a year older but she can shop the kids department for clothes) choreographed an awesome double-birthday with a Halloween theme for our kids on Oct. 31! Each of us has a child with a September birthday but we couldn't have birthday parties for different reasons so my perfectionistic, anal-retentive sis pulled the ever present Martha Stewart from within her (see above pic) and the result was what Zoe called, "the best birthday ever" (awww). Wait, isn't every occasion involving presents a "best day ever" for kids? No, but Zoe and Jaida still talk about it and I caught Zoe running up and hugging my sister for no reason other than it being her way of showing her appreciation for an awesome birthday party!

Hilarious outdoor games

Indoor games (that also included a frantic game of hot potato...well, hot pumpkin).

The birthday boy and girl!

They all danced the Monster Mash (Jaida did The Robot).

We ate cupcakes and all the kids went home with kid-swag bags full of fun toys and candy. Everyone got a prize no matter who won a game. My sister thought of everything....I still don't want to ask her how much she and her husband spent on this party. All the gifts came from my sis and my parents because mommy is a little financially strained at the moment. I thank God for these people in my life because we would honestly be homeless without them!

*nervous laughter*

That night my girls trick-or-treated for an hour dressed as themselves.

My princesses :)


  1. two words for your princesses: GOR-GEOUS!! they look so beautiful and angelic!! that was an awesome party the kids look so happy and having a good time!!! YAY!!:OD

  2. Oh, they had sooo much fun...and thank you so much! They were so pretty in their costumes (not that they aren't always gorgeous)! ;)
