Friday, March 27, 2009

Shop update tomorrow!

Without further ado here is a sneak peak before the update! :D

New Kokeshi Spool Dolls including our first blonde boy, Easter Special Editions, beautiful open-eyed girls, and a kissing Yuki Doll!

What is a baby without baby fat? Into this world they were born clad only in their birthday suits and look at them now! All fattened up with bakers twine!

My new Baby Bakers! They are tiny as you can see next to the sweet "Littlest Pet" but they are each wearing six yards of beautiful baker's twine! Plus their spool bodies fit right on your spool rack so they are functional and adorable! Oh, and in case you were wondering, our original Twine-keeper, Baker Giuseppe will be back as well. :)

New fairy-tale inspired Kinder Dolls! Also in tomorrows update: Kinder trinket favorite product right now! I'll be updating as soon as time allows tomorrow but I know for sure it will be in the afternoon. (I like to make big breakfasts on Saturdays). ;)


  1. yay!! I hope I can snag a riding hood, a wolf, and a your new designs! go you! :o)

  2. They are amazing - can we find them in your shop today?

  3. I'm SO happy that I was able to grab the Little red and the wolf :-) Yay!

  4. I'm glad to have met you Suse! I wish I could fly to Berlin and meet you in person, you are a sweetheart!
